Yoga for Stress Management
AICTE and Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthan via Swayam
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In this course we intend to provide you with a fair understanding about the phenomenon ofstress and its effective management. The course walks you through the causative aspects ofstress from both eastern and western perspective, its impact on our body and mind, and waysof meeting the challenges of stress. This course presents you with information on the stressphysiology, its biological pathway, stress response, and its relationship with sleep and diet.We also provide an overview of stress assessment tools and research evidence for the yogicmanagement of stress. Further we provide you stress management approaches based on theknowledge system of yoga, from theoretical and practical perspective for its effectivemanagement.
• Week 1
o Module 1: Introduction to Yoga for Stress Management - 1
o Module 2: Introduction to Yoga for Stress Management - 2
o Module 3: Stress according to Western perspective
• Week 2o Module 4: Stress Eastern Perspectiveo Module 5: Developmental process : Western and Eastern Perspectiveo Module 6: Stress Hazards and Yoga
• Week 3o Module 7: Meeting the challenges of Stress - 1o Module 8: Meeting the challenges of Stress - 2
• Week 4o Module 9: Introduction to Stress Physiologyo Module 10: Stress, Appetite and Dietary management- Modern and Yogic perspectiveo Module 11: Sleep and Stress: understanding the relationship for effective management of stress
• Week 5o Module 12: Stress Assessment methods- a valuable tool toward stress managemento Module 13: Role of Yoga in prevention and management of stress related disorders – a summary of research evidence
• Week 6o Module 14: Concept of stress and its management - perspectives from Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Part 1o Module 15: Concept of stress and its management - perspectives from Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Part 2o Module 16: Concept of stress and its management - perspectives from Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Part 3 • Week 7o Module 17: Concept of stress and its management - perspectives from Bhagavad Gita - Part 1o Module 18: Concept of stress and its management - perspectives from Bhagavad Gita - Part 2o Module 19: Concept of stress and its management - perspectives from Bhagavad Gita - Part 3
• Week 8o Module 20: Bio-Psycho-Socio-Spiritual model of stress management
Yoga practices for Stress Management
• Week 9
o Module 21: Breathing practices – 1 Hands in and out breathing, Hands stretch breathing, Ankle stretch breathingo Module 22: Breathing practices – 2 Dog Breathing, Rabbit breathing, Tiger breathing, Sashankasana breathingo Module 23: Breathing practices – 3 Bhujangasana breathing, Ardha Shalabhasana breathing (alternate legs), Straight leg raising (alternate legs), Straight leg raising (both legs), Sethubandhasana lumbar stretch, Instant Relaxation Technique (IRT) • Week 10o Module 24: Loosening Practices – 1 Shoulder Rotation, Side bending, Standing twist, Hip rotation, Thigh strengtheningo Module 25: Loosening practices – 2 Chakki chalan, Bhunamasana Chalana, Alternative toe touchingo Module 26: Loosening practices – 3 Side leg raising, Pavana muktasana kriya: Wind releasing pose movements, Quick Relaxation Technique (QRT)
• Week 11o Module 27: Asana practices – I Tadasana, Ardhakati Chakrasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Trikonasana, Vrikshasanao Module 28: Asana practices – 2 Vakarasana, Janu Sirshasana, Ushtrasana, Sashankasana,
• Week 12o Module 29: Asana practices – 3 Ardhamatseyndrasana, Paschimottanasana, Poorvottanasana, Gomukhasanao Module 30: Asana practices – 4 Makarasana, Bhujangasana, Salambha Shalabahasana, Dhanurasana
• Week 13o Module 31: Asana practices – 5 Setubandhasana, Sarvangasana, Mastyasana, Deep Relaxation Technique (DRT)o Module 32: Soorya Namaskar
• Week 14o Module 33: Pranayama – 1 Kapalbhati kriya and Sectional Breathingo Module 34: Pranayama – 2 Nadishuddhi Pranayamao Module 35: Pranayama – 3 Bhramari, Sheetali, Sitkari and Ujjayi
• Week 15o Module 36: Om Meditationo Module 37: Cyclic Meditation
• Week 16o Module 38: Integrated Yoga Module Io Module 39: Integrated Yoga Module IIo Module 40: Integrated Yoga Module III
o Module 1: Introduction to Yoga for Stress Management - 1
o Module 2: Introduction to Yoga for Stress Management - 2
o Module 3: Stress according to Western perspective
• Week 2o Module 4: Stress Eastern Perspectiveo Module 5: Developmental process : Western and Eastern Perspectiveo Module 6: Stress Hazards and Yoga
• Week 3o Module 7: Meeting the challenges of Stress - 1o Module 8: Meeting the challenges of Stress - 2
• Week 4o Module 9: Introduction to Stress Physiologyo Module 10: Stress, Appetite and Dietary management- Modern and Yogic perspectiveo Module 11: Sleep and Stress: understanding the relationship for effective management of stress
• Week 5o Module 12: Stress Assessment methods- a valuable tool toward stress managemento Module 13: Role of Yoga in prevention and management of stress related disorders – a summary of research evidence
• Week 6o Module 14: Concept of stress and its management - perspectives from Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Part 1o Module 15: Concept of stress and its management - perspectives from Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Part 2o Module 16: Concept of stress and its management - perspectives from Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Part 3 • Week 7o Module 17: Concept of stress and its management - perspectives from Bhagavad Gita - Part 1o Module 18: Concept of stress and its management - perspectives from Bhagavad Gita - Part 2o Module 19: Concept of stress and its management - perspectives from Bhagavad Gita - Part 3
• Week 8o Module 20: Bio-Psycho-Socio-Spiritual model of stress management
Yoga practices for Stress Management
• Week 9
o Module 21: Breathing practices – 1 Hands in and out breathing, Hands stretch breathing, Ankle stretch breathingo Module 22: Breathing practices – 2 Dog Breathing, Rabbit breathing, Tiger breathing, Sashankasana breathingo Module 23: Breathing practices – 3 Bhujangasana breathing, Ardha Shalabhasana breathing (alternate legs), Straight leg raising (alternate legs), Straight leg raising (both legs), Sethubandhasana lumbar stretch, Instant Relaxation Technique (IRT) • Week 10o Module 24: Loosening Practices – 1 Shoulder Rotation, Side bending, Standing twist, Hip rotation, Thigh strengtheningo Module 25: Loosening practices – 2 Chakki chalan, Bhunamasana Chalana, Alternative toe touchingo Module 26: Loosening practices – 3 Side leg raising, Pavana muktasana kriya: Wind releasing pose movements, Quick Relaxation Technique (QRT)
• Week 11o Module 27: Asana practices – I Tadasana, Ardhakati Chakrasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Trikonasana, Vrikshasanao Module 28: Asana practices – 2 Vakarasana, Janu Sirshasana, Ushtrasana, Sashankasana,
• Week 12o Module 29: Asana practices – 3 Ardhamatseyndrasana, Paschimottanasana, Poorvottanasana, Gomukhasanao Module 30: Asana practices – 4 Makarasana, Bhujangasana, Salambha Shalabahasana, Dhanurasana
• Week 13o Module 31: Asana practices – 5 Setubandhasana, Sarvangasana, Mastyasana, Deep Relaxation Technique (DRT)o Module 32: Soorya Namaskar
• Week 14o Module 33: Pranayama – 1 Kapalbhati kriya and Sectional Breathingo Module 34: Pranayama – 2 Nadishuddhi Pranayamao Module 35: Pranayama – 3 Bhramari, Sheetali, Sitkari and Ujjayi
• Week 15o Module 36: Om Meditationo Module 37: Cyclic Meditation
• Week 16o Module 38: Integrated Yoga Module Io Module 39: Integrated Yoga Module IIo Module 40: Integrated Yoga Module III
Taught by
Dr H R Nagendra | Dr Mithila M V | Dr Rajesh Nair