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Learn Gratitude, earn certificates with paid and free online courses from University of Michigan, Yale, UC Berkeley, Taylor's University and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
<p>Use ancient wisdom and modern science to create your own “happily ever after.”</p>
Happiness Through Gratitude with AJ Jacobs, Chase Jarvis
Explore the keys to happiness and success through gratitude, adaptability, and patience. Learn to break free from echo chambers and appreciate life's unique qualities for lasting contentment and personal growth.
Inspirational talk urging listeners to express gratitude and appreciation to influential people in their lives before it's too late, sharing personal anecdotes and emphasizing the power of acknowledging others' impact.
Explore the transformative power of gratitude in shifting perspectives, fostering resilience, and enhancing social connections. Discover practical insights for cultivating gratitude and living a more fulfilling life.
Inspiring insights on finding gratitude in life's challenges, resilience, and positive outlooks. Learn to embrace adversity and discover joy in every circumstance through a near-death experience.
Discover the power of writing heartfelt letters to mentors and loved ones who shaped your life. Learn how to express gratitude and create lasting impact through personal, handwritten messages.
Erfahrungsbericht über die transformative Kraft der Dankbarkeit nach einem Nahtoderlebnis. Inspirierender Vortrag über Resilienz, Heilung und die positive Wirkung von Dankbarkeit im Alltag.
Explorarea importanței recunoștinței pentru o perspectivă pozitivă asupra vieții și relațiilor, subliniind necesitatea de a înrădăcina această practică pentru a îmbunătăți calitatea vieții și a relațiilor interumane.
Explore positive psychology in K-12 pedagogy, learn to integrate character-based objectives, and maximize student engagement through lectures, discussions, and real educator footage.
Cultivate daily contentment, build resilience against burnout, and understand how the brain processes joy. Learn essential practices for finding happiness at work and managing stress.
Explore psychological insights for teen well-being, covering misconceptions, biases, behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. Learn practical techniques to improve happiness and build healthier habits.
Learn why happiness at work matters and how to increase it within yourself and across your organization.
Improve your work and life with 10 Positivity Practices that anyone can use
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