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Learn Veterinary Science, earn certificates with paid and free online courses from University of Edinburgh, UC Davis, IIT Kanpur and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
This course is for anyone interested in learning more about Veterinary Medicine, giving a “taster” of courses covered in the first year of a veterinary degree and an idea of what it is like to study Veterinary Medicine.
Explore chicken behavior, welfare assessment, and industry practices. Learn about sensory perception, behavior patterns, and ethical considerations in poultry farming from egg-laying to meat production.
Comprehensive equine care guide covering physiology, nutrition, environment, health, behavior, and welfare. Emphasizes practical skills for horse owners and handlers to ensure optimal well-being.
Essential training to keep your dogs safe, attract clients & gain skills & confidence to take action in an emergency.
Learn to address house soiling, chewing, barking, digging, separation anxiety, jumping up, pulling on leash and more
Dr. Ian Dunbar demonstrates how to use a group class setting to deal with dogs that are aggressive towards other dogs
Understanding canine behavior and how dogs think, feel and learn to make dog training easier & more effective.
Learn how to train dogs the SIRIUS® way! Learn how to run and promote your own dog-friendly dog training business.
Learn effective and enjoyable dog training methods that are science-based and ready for real-world dog training.
Learn cutting edge and common sense concepts that make dog training incredibly easy and effective
Create a Calm and Confident Dog in 30 Days Using These Proprietary DOG TRAINING GAMES
Learn new concepts that can significantly accelerate the training of dogs with aggression and reactivity issues.
Training games are great for motivating owners and dogs alike. Learn to harness games to achieve rock-solid reliability
Turn dog training into an ideal career & become a professional dog trainer. Get the lifestyle you want & work with dogs
Everything you need to know when introducing your dogs to your new baby!
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