Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment, in which individuals working in groups efficiently accomplish the selected aims. It involves coordinating and overseeing the work activities of others so their activities are completed productively.
This course will be taught fully in English, which will explore the theories and practice of management, and discuss the latest management issues in the workplace. The course is organized based on the four managerial functions, including planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Meanwhile, the fundamental management concepts, the external environment and organizational culture and the global environment will also be comprehensively discussed as an introductory. Real-life examples, particularly the cases from Chinese companies, will be provided throughout the teaching to enhance the understanding of the students.
Students who successfully complete this course can obtain a deep understanding on the modern management principles and philosophy. Meanwhile, they can strongly develop the managerial skills, global mindset, strategic thinking and leadership, all of which are essential for coping with the changing environment. Therefore, this course is vital for the students who would like to become a successful leader in the future.
Text Book:
Robbins, S. P. & Coulter, M. (2021). Management (Fourteenth Edition). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.
课程采用全英文授课,系统介绍管理理论及其应用方法,强调理论学习与实践应用能力的结合,旨在为培养合格的管理者而搭建管理理论基础,建立管理的科学、系统思维。通过本课程的学习,使学生能够全面掌握管理学的基本理论、基本方法、基本内容和主要应用领域;了解管理学发展的最新动态和前沿问题;同时具备较强综合分析能力和解决问题能力,成长为综合素质较高的高层次应用型经济管理人才。 为实现上述课程目标,长期以来,本课程积极借鉴国内外先进经验,在思想性、生动性、丰富性等方面不断完善教学内容。作为在国际平台开设的课程,课程组成员也致力于通过本课程,向国内外的学生、学者和社会人士讲述中国故事,介绍中国企业的管理实践,分享中国学者的观察与思考,增进管理学领域的国际交流、合作与共赢。