Learn to build a self-operating enterprise system through this comprehensive business management course that focuses on improving team execution. Master core methodologies for solving enterprise challenges, starting with establishing business character and addressing poor employee performance linked to problematic cultural practices. Explore essential concepts including responsibility as a primary business virtue, four execution misconceptions, nine-level professional development frameworks for various roles, and three key principles for achieving results. Discover practical tools for creating productive work environments, including correction boards, improvement boards, and planning boards. Gain insights into customer value creation, interdepartmental relationships, and middle management effectiveness. Study the 7 principles of responsibility management and the comprehensive 4Q operational control system that addresses strategic implementation challenges. Through case studies and practical examples, learn to implement annual strategic goal decomposition, functional responsibility allocation, result assessment using the YCYA method, five-level inspection systems, and efficiency improvement techniques.
- 解决企业问题的核心方法-打造企业自运营系统
- 提升团队执行力-从树立商业人格开始
- 员工执行力差-为何跟这三个糟粕文化有关
- 商人的首要品格为何是独立承担责任
- 四大执行假象之态度不等于结果
- 四大执行假象之职责任务理由不等于结果
- 九段秘书和九段销售 你是第几段
- 九段HR和九段总裁你是第几段
- 做结果必须遵循哪三个原则
- 做结果必须具备哪两个思维
- 做结果必须掌握哪三个方法
- 你没创造环境 凭何要求员工提升执行力
- 环境营造工具之正误看板
- 环境营造工具之改善看板 计划看板
- 环境营造工具之计划看板 梦想看板
- 什么是真正的客户和客户价值
- 做好客户价值要从哪四个层面出发
- 客户价值有效落地必须遵循哪四个原则
- 部门之间 上下级之间到底谁是谁的客户
- 中层管理者如何找准角色定位 提升执行力
- 七大责任管理法则:让每位员工都有责任心
- 4Q运营管控系统彻底解决战略难实现难题
- 小4Q之结果定义心中有结果 执行才有效果
- 小4Q之一对一责任 每个人必须对自己的结果负责
- 小4Q之过程检查和即时激励过程必须检查和奖惩不过夜
- 大4Q之目标分解 案例示范如何做年度战略目标分解
- 大4Q之职能职责 案例示范如何做职能职责的梳理划分
- 大4Q之检查质询 结果考核的超级武器——YCYA
- 大4Q之检查质询 五级检查体系和COO选拔技巧
- 大4Q之改进复制 案例示范如何改进纠偏、提升效率
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