Explore the fourth installment of the Slay Workflow series, focusing on real-time asset creation for Unreal Engine. Learn the step-by-step process of developing assets, starting with model blocking in Maya, progressing to high-resolution sculpting in ZBrush, and creating a low-resolution version. Discover techniques for map and texture work in Substance Painter. Follow along by downloading the Slay project from the Unreal Engine Marketplace. Cover topics including VAD workflows, high-res modeling and detailing, tileable map creation, low-res model development, map baking, texturing, and final assembly in Unreal Engine. Perfect for those looking to enhance their skills in real-time asset creation for game development and interactive media.
Introduction to VAD Workflows in Unreal Engine
Blocking out the Model
High Res Modeling in ZBrush
Detailing the High Res Model
Creating a Tileable Map
Creating Your Low Res Model
Baking Maps & Texturing In Substance Painter
Final Assembly in Unreal
Taught by
Unreal Engine