By taking this Introduction to Sales Management course, you can learn the key skills needed to be effective in sales. While using traditional selling tenets as its foundation and teaching you the role of sales in everyday life, this course adapts these concepts to the rapidly changing world of business, including the use of Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, blogs, wikis, and other interactive ways of connecting with customers.
通过学习销售管理入门课程,您可以掌握有效销售所需的关键技能。本课程以传统销售信条为基础,向您传授销售在日常生活中的作用,同时将这些概念与瞬息万变的商业世界相结合,包括使用 推特、领英、脸书、博客、维基以及其他与客户建立联系的互动方式。