Discover Meshmixer, the powerful 3D modeling utility from Autodesk. Explore the features of this versatile software, from 3D scan cleanup to sculpting and 3D print preparation.
- Introduction
- Overview of Meshmixer areas
- Overview of Meshmixer user interface
- Importing and saving files
- Overview of view modes: How to best see your model
- Introduction: Great places to find models and some problems that can arise
- Places to find models online
- Typical errors found in online models
- Using Meshmixer's automated fixing techniques
- When automated fixing isn't enough: Remeshing
- Another technique for fixing models: Bridging
- Fixing models using the powerful Make Solid command
- Your last resort: Remodeling using Meshmixer tools
- Introduction to multiple objects in Meshmixer
- What are separate bodies in Meshmixer?
- Why do separate bodies matter? Booleans and exporting
- Overview of the Object Browser and view modes
- Booleans revisited and defined
- Boolean Union changing sizes
- Boolean Union success via remeshing
- Understanding world and local coordinate systems
- To be exact: Aligning objects
- Select everywhere: Shared and non-shared frame
- Using attraction and repulsion
- Using the measurement tools to analyze objects
- Introduction to the types of CAD modeling tools
- Overview of the CAD landscape
- What CAD tools are the best to use?
- CAD tools: Compare and contrast
- Using CAD models in Meshmixer
- Intro to the fun world of playing with digital clay
- Inspiration is everywhere!
- Other tools on the market for sculpting and modeling
- Basic overview of sculpting tools
- Sculpting tool modifiers
- What is meshmixing? (The whole program is named after this!)
- More advanced meshmixing
- What about adding color?
- How shaders affect modeling
- Common modeling problems: Self-intersections and normals
- Using the Make Solid tool to fix everything
- Why face groups are your best friend
- Transform! (Or, more rightly: Using the transform tools)
- Using shapes to influence other shapes
- Using the attract brushes
- Don't be constrained by what the world tells you can be done
- 3D printing considerations
- Introduction to Meshmixer support structures and why they're great
- Why not use your slicer to generate support structures?
- Optionally preparing your model via reduction
- Evaluating model orientation
- Starting support structure generation tips
- In-tool editing supports
- Convert to Solid and exporting
- Multiple support iteration
- Introduction to the fun of 3D scanning
- Things to look for when first loading up your 3D scan
- Is your scan printable?
- Fixing easy printability problems
- Fixing difficult 3D scan problems: Starting off
- Fixing difficult 3D scan problems: Starting with cleanup
- Fixing difficult 3D scan problems: Hole filling
- Fixing difficult 3D scan problems: Thickening
- Final steps for printability
- Service bureaus for color printing
- Introduction to the fun of 3D scanning
- Downloading GIMP for photo editing
- Cropping and adjusting your photo in GIMP for use in Meshmixer
- Importing your photo as a stencil into Meshmixer
- Preparing your mesh for best stencil results
- Applying the stencil: Stencil strength and inversing
Taught by
Nick Kloski