Using Causal Inference to Increase a FinTech's Customer Acquisitions
Data Science Festival via YouTube
Explore a 19-minute talk from the Data Science Festival Oktoberfest 2023 event, where Aishwarya Maggi from Mettle presents a case study on leveraging causal inference techniques to boost customer acquisitions in the FinTech industry. Dive into the strategies employed to enhance Mettle's customer onboarding journey and reduce applicant disengagement. Learn how causal methods were utilized to optimize the approach for contacting disengaged applicants, addressing crucial questions such as determining the ideal time to reach out to customers and identifying those most likely to respond. Gain insights into the application of data science in real-world business scenarios, suitable for students and professionals with some technical knowledge. Discover the power of data-driven decision-making in improving customer conversion rates and achieving acquisition targets in the financial technology sector.
Using Causal Inference to increase a FinTech’s Customer Acquisitions
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Data Science Festival