Explore the evolution and current state of artificial intelligence in this 51-minute conference talk from GOTO Berlin 2017. Delve into the origins of AI, the human brain's influence on AI development, and the contributions of pioneers like John von Neumann. Examine the rise of expert systems, grand challenges in AI, and common misconceptions about artificial intelligence. Gain insights into related fields such as data science, machine learning, analytics, big data, deep learning, and data mining. Investigate how AI relates to human psychology and decision-making processes, using examples like catching a ball and classification tasks. Learn about practical applications of AI in robotics and advanced scenarios. Engage with freeform questions and answers to deepen your understanding of artificial intelligence and its implications for the future.
Origins of AI
The Brain
John von Neumann
The Rise of the Expert
The Grand Challenge
Do we see AI
AI doesnt make sense
Data Science
Machine Learning
Big Data
Deep Learning
Data Mining
Our psyche
How to catch a ball
Exam Question
Lesson for Machine Learning
Robot Examples
Advanced Examples
Freeform Questions
Freeform Answers
Taught by
GOTO Conferences