Research Article Writing & Publications - Writing a Successful Conference Abstract
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Discover the essential elements of crafting a successful conference abstract and learn practical tips for getting your research paper accepted in reputed journals. Explore the intricacies of research article writing and publication, including strategies for writing journal abstracts, techniques for publishing in SCOPUS and SCI journals, and understanding the academic journal publication process. Delve into research methodology, journal paper structure, proper citation practices, plagiarism avoidance, and impact factor calculation. Gain valuable insights from Prof. Dr. Md. Mamun Habib, an experienced academic and editor-in-chief, on topics such as research search, publication tips, evaluating conference quality, and structuring key components like titles, abstracts, literature reviews, and methodologies. Enhance your academic writing skills and increase your chances of acceptance in world-class, globally recognized journals with high-impact factors.
Speaker Introduction
Research Search
Tips for Publication
Call for Papers
Conference Quality
How to determine Conference Quality
Conference Outline
Conference Abstract
Literature Review
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IFERP Connecting Engineers