Watch Chapter 2 of a lecture from the 2nd MACS Colloquium at Kyoto University's Graduate School of Science, where Dr. Takemasa Miyoshi, Team Leader of the Data Assimilation Research Team at RIKEN Center for Computational Science, discusses data assimilation techniques for predicting sudden downpours and their interdisciplinary applications. Delivered on December 26, 2017, in Lecture Room 401 of Science Building 6, this segment is part of a larger colloquium series titled "From Mathematics to Biodiversity - Fascinating Topics Rarely Heard Together" under the MACS Educational Program.
京都大学理学研究科 第2回 MACSコロキウム「データ同化:ゲリラ豪雨予測から異分野連携へ」三好 建正 氏(理化学研究所)2017年12月26日 チャプター2
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