Explore an academic lecture from the 60th Tamaki Yoshijuro Professor Memorial Public Academic Lecture Series featuring Dr. Takemasa Miyoshi, Senior Researcher at RIKEN, who delves into the essential role of data assimilation in numerical weather prediction and its future prospects. Learn about cutting-edge weather forecasting research at RIKEN, big data assimilation techniques, and revolutionary advances made possible by the "K" supercomputer. Through detailed segments covering the speaker's background, RIKEN's weather forecasting research initiatives, capabilities of data assimilation (DA), and future directions, gain comprehensive insights into how modern computational methods are transforming weather prediction capabilities. The lecture, delivered in Japanese on December 20, 2021, provides both theoretical foundations and practical applications of data assimilation in meteorological forecasting.
| はじめに
| Who am I?
| 理研天気予報研究
| ビッグデータ同化
| データ同化DAでできること
| 「京」で切り拓いた天気予報革命
| データ同化による予測
| Future
Taught by
Kyoto-U OCW - Unofficial