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Esri via Independent

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Once, only cartographers made maps. Today anyone can. Still, cartographers can teach people to make better maps, just as chefs can show people how to cook better meals. With coaching from experienced cartographers and practical, hands-on exercises using ArcGIS Pro, you'll become a smarter mapmaker, ready to go beyond the defaults and make better maps.


Section 1

Getting Started: Let's Get Mapping

Consider the value and purpose of cartography as science and art. Get set up with ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, and exercise data. Use ArcGIS Pro to design a small-format, multiscale topographic map, using generalization tools and scale-dependent symbology. Use layouts for composition. Add contextual detail, insets, legends, and marginalia.

Section 2

Math for Mapmakers

Explore how coordinate systems, transformations, and projections affect your map's message. Deal with the effects of projections and data classification methods on thematic maps. Design and publish a custom basemap in a nonstandard projection to support thematic data. Build attribute-driven symbology. Publish a multiscale web map and app.

Section 3

Language of Graphics

See how generalization, symbology, and color affect your story. Explore generalization techniques that reduce feature complexity for smaller-scale displays. Create a variety of thematic maps, including choropleth, proportional symbol, value-by alpha, and multivariate maps. Change symbology and use transparency in creative ways.

Section 4

Labels and Composition

Learn a little about typography, label placement, and map composition. Set up a palette of label styles for different features and explore options for positioning them around other map details. Create a layout that includes a range of marginalia. Use ArcGIS expressions to define labels in innovative ways.

Section 5

Mapping in 3D

Consider how to best use the z dimension to represent data for both reference and thematic maps. Use 3D symbology and develop a sense of when 3D adds value to your map. Build 3D web scenes and vary the way features are represented using attributes and dynamic symbology.

Section 6

Mapping Change

Use the time-aware and animation controls in ArcGIS Pro to design maps that show temporal change. Direct an animated movie to map change; add captions and dynamic overlay information; and publish in a range of popular, shareable formats. Create a display of small multiples for an infographic poster.



4.9 rating, based on 223 Class Central reviews

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  • I really enjoyed this course and learned a lot about Cartography from some of the most well known GIS Experts !
  • I want to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for the Esri cartography course teachers. They have done an excellent job of delivering high-quality content and engaging activities that helped me learn and apply the principles and techniques of cartography. I have gained valuable skills and knowledge to enhance my professional development and career prospects. The course was well-organized, informative, and enjoyable. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in learning about cartography and GIS. Thank you for your dedication and expertise.
  • The course provided an exceptional learning experience, allowing me to delve deeply into the art of cartography. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of further honing and expanding the skills I acquired during this Cartography MOOC. My sincere thanks for your guidance, sir.
  • Thorough, inciteful, positively challenging with a creative push. The videos were a great addition as students were able to relate to hosts and connect with their work via social media. I was able to fine tune my GIS skills and learned a few new tricks and tips which can make my cartography skills speed up!
  • Anonymous
    This was my first foray into ArcPro. And it had a lot of interesting bells and whistles to it. The MOOC focused on a lot of things that were way above my skill level, like animation and 3D mapping, and I felt that while it was interesting to see wha…
  • Anonymous
    دورة رائعة تعلمت فيها الكثير من التقنيات التي تستخدم في رسم الخرائط على آرك جي إس برو، وآرك جي آي إس أونلاين، إضافة إلى العديد من الحيل الممتعة والمفيدة في إخراج الخرائط.
  • Step by step instructions and maps that you can save after each course assignment. Plus welcome advice from experts on the art of map-making.
  • Anonymous
    This was a beautifully succinct, comprehensive, and thoughtfully designed course that teaches the basics of not only cartography, but how best to make use of the tools available in the software ArcPro - which I must admit are quite formidable.

    The weekly videos from the instructors are also quite pleasant and set the tone for what material is covered that week, yet what I appreciated most was how the hosts introduced further interesting cartographic material in terms of books, cartographers of note (here's to you Heinrich Berann), and historic implements.

    Overall, I would definitely recommend this course to anyone interested in the software, cartography, or GIS in general.
  • George Kerre
    The cartography training course provided a transformative journey into the art and science of map design. From mastering design principles to leveraging GIS technology like ArcGIS Pro, it equipped participants with the skills to create compelling maps. Instructors, with their expertise and passion, fostered a collaborative learning environment, reinforcing theoretical concepts through practical exercises. The course emphasized storytelling through maps, enabling participants to weave narratives that resonate with audiences. Overall, it was an enlightening and enriching experience that instilled a newfound appreciation for the significance of maps in shaping our understanding of the world.
  • Anonymous
    The ESRI course provided a great overall look at Arc-GIS. It allowed the student to follow the provided steps and take a moment with hints to bring one back on track. Many of the new features are great and you can work your way up to 3D if it fits into your project. I would like to see more user specific projects that one can request ahead of time and ESRI could provide a step- by- step process so you can feel like you accomplished a specific goal.
  • Anonymous
    Amigos estoy muy contento, soy geógrafo, estos cursos de cartografía son muy escasos y hay que aprovecharlos, todo se concentra ahora en el manejo de herramientas tecnológicas, pero también es fundamental manejar conceptos básicos sino la lógica cartográfica se pierde, finalmente también es necesario difundir la cartografía social y humana que en el presente se está perdiendo, saludos, Fabian Yánez.-Riobamba-ECUADOR
  • Anonymous
    Excellent course. The presenters are very knowledgeable in the subject and impart a lot of information in a short amount of time. Cartography is an art and this course helped develop those skills for me. My studies had focused on the hard sciences and analytics so the art was not something I got in my degree program. I was also introduced to new concepts and ideas. Very inspiring and fun course.
  • Anonymous
    Wonderfully designed course. I always fascinated about GIS and RS. This course has given me a deep insight about Cartography and all dimensions of it and provided knowledge to go ahead further exploration also. Thanks to MOOC entire team and to my friend from Canada who has routed me to this course. I love to take many more Mooc courses which is a knowledge center from Esri. Thanks to Esri.
  • Anonymous
    Saudações! Falando sobre este curso, sou de opinião que o mesmo é tanto quanto interessante, as minhas expectativas foram superadas durante o periodo que estive a participar do curso, os professores são serios e compreometidos com a aprendizagem dos alunos! os exercicios foram de grande ajuda para entender melhor o curso, e acima de tudo é um curso totalmente gratuíto!
  • Profile image for Christelle PIERRE
    Christelle PIERRE
    I really like the experience. I learned a lot, such as the steps to follow to create a map, especially when it comes to thematic maps, as I'm an agronomy student specializing in natural resources and the environment. The thematic maps will allow me to describe different environmental situations. I also discovered the 3D option, which I didn't know about before.
  • Anonymous
    the course is very interesting and i learned a lot about cartography thank u very much to esri and course team and to all how participating in make this course availabel
    thank u thank u thank u its a fantastic time when i try excersice and listen to professionls from esri and learn new technics in every time i spend in taking this course
  • Profile image for Jeny Paola Suárez Candela
    Jeny Paola Suárez Candela
    Este curso MOOC me pareció muy interesante y una excelente manera de actualizarme en las nuevas formas de presentar datos, además de fortalecer mis conocimientos en ArcGIS Pro. Lo recomiendo 100% tanto para los nuevos usuarios de ArcGIS Pro como para aquellos que estamos migrando desde ArcGIS Desktop.
  • Anonymous
    I loved taking this MOOC. I have learned things about both Cartography and ArcGis. It is a totally recommended course. The course is divided into a series of thematic exercises introduced by videos led by Ken Field, videos where, in addition to having a good time, you learn many things...
  • Anonymous
    I loved learning with this mooc. It was a amazing experience and We can learn tips for make a map also, I could increase my knowledge with the exercises. And It was fantastic because I can use these new tips in my jobs as Land surveyor engineer.

    Thank you so much for all
  • Anonymous
    This is a highly recomended course to learn or improve your mapping skills with ArcGIS Pro. With videos and practical exercises you will learn to make creative maps, author 3D scenes, and also how to create animations to map movement and events changing over time.

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