Free Energies, Available Energies, and Stability Conditions - Lecture 6
MIT OpenCourseWare via YouTube
- Introduction
- Review: Definition of Heat Interaction
- Energy Exchange Entirely Distinguishable from Work
- Steady State Heat Transfer Requires Nonequilibrium
- Temperature as Escaping Tendency for Energy
- Chemical Potential as Escaping Tendency for Matter
- Measurement of Stable-Equilibrium Properties
- Review: Thermometer
- Review: Manometer
- Review: Partial Pressures and Chemical Potentials
- Review: Construction of the Fundamental Relation
- Changing Variables by Means of Legendre Transform
- Characteristic Functions from Legendre Transforms
- Maxwell Relations; Helmholts and Gibbs Free Energy
- Maxwell Relations; Partial Entropy and Volume
- Other Characteristic Functions
- Massieu, Hortsmann-Planck, and Euler Free Entropy
- Availability Functions
- Available Energy Fixed Volume and Amounts
- Stability Conditions from Available Energy
- LeChatelier-Braun Principle Part I
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