Explore the intricacies of non-standard orders on torus bundles with one boundary in this 49-minute mathematics lecture by Jonathan Johnson from Oklahoma State University. Delve into the concept of bi-orderable fundamental groups in surface bundles, examining the sufficient conditions established by Perron-Rolfsen. Investigate the preservation of "standard" bi-ordering by monodromy-induced actions and consider alternative methods for bi-ordering the fundamental group of torus bundles with a single boundary component. Learn about the collaborative research conducted with Henry Segerman, partially funded by NSF grant DMS-2213213. This talk, part of the Workshop on Orderable Groups held at the Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM), offers valuable insights for mathematicians and researchers interested in topology, group theory, and ordered structures.
Non-standard Orders on Torus Bundles with One Boundary
Centre de recherches mathématiques - CRM via YouTube
Jonathan Johnson: Non-standard orders on torus bundles with one boundary
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Centre de recherches mathématiques - CRM