Explore new treatment options for maintaining a healthy weight during midlife in this 20-minute video presentation by Dr. Klara Rosenquist from Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about the risks associated with midlife weight gain, various obesity treatments, and older medications used for weight management. Gain insights into developing an effective care plan to address weight-related concerns during this crucial life stage. Discover valuable information from the Midlife Women's Health Center at Mass General Hospital to support your journey towards optimal health and well-being during midlife.
Risks of Midlife Weight Gain
Obesity Treatment
Older Medications
Care Plan
Taught by
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The readings were appropriate to the goals of the course. The instructor was excellent and was clearly very knowledgeable about the topic. The instructor kept me engaged throughout the course. The course was totally helpful and relevant to my everyday interest. A wonderfully practical course - both personally and professionally. I will take away lots of things that I can quickly and easily apply.