Watch Chapter 3 of a lecture presented by Professor Hachiro Iwai from the Graduate School of Education at Kyoto University, delivered at the E.FORUM 2017 National School Leader Training. Explore data-driven insights about the shrinking "Japanese-ness" during the 2000s through this 17-minute segment, organized by the Center for Collaborations in Educational Practice at Kyoto University Graduate School of Education on August 19, 2017.
京都大学 E.FORUM 2017 全国スクールリーダー育成研修 講演「データから読むゼロ年代-縮小する日本らしさ」岩井 八郎(京都大学大学院教育学研究科 教授) チャプター③ 2017年8月19日
Taught by
Kyoto-U OCW - Unofficial