Watch a 19-minute symposium lecture from the 13th E.FORUM National School Leader Development Training Practice Exchange Meeting at Kyoto University. Explore Professor Takuya Kitahara's insights on "How to Understand the Growth of Teachers' Assessment Abilities" as part of the broader symposium theme "How to Improve Academic Achievement Assessment? - Results and Future Challenges of Academic Assessment Specialist Training." Delivered at Kyoto University's Yoshida-South General Building East Wing on March 24, 2018, gain valuable perspectives on educational assessment and teacher development from this special appointed professor of the Graduate School of Education.
京都大学 E.FORUM 全国スクールリーダー育成研修 第13回実践交流会 シンポジウム 北原 琢也(京都大学教育学研究科 特任教授)2018年3月24日
Taught by
Kyoto-U OCW - Unofficial