Learn about curriculum development through socially-connected education in diverse career path high schools in this lecture from the Kyoto University Graduate School of Education E.FORUM seminar. Miki Mochizuki, Senior Teacher at Tokyo Metropolitan Tama High School, presents Chapter 1 covering the research overview of implementing an open educational approach that connects students with society. Recorded on December 15, 2018 at Kyoto University's Faculty of Education Second Lecture Room, this 12-minute segment introduces key concepts for developing curricula that prepare students for various post-graduation pathways.
京都大学大学院教育学研究科 E.FORUM 講演会「進路多様高校における、社会に開かれた教育を通したカリキュラム開発」望月 未希(東京都立多摩高等学校 主幹教諭)2018年12月15日【チャプター1】
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