Summarizing Andrew Loomis's approach to drawing the head. It's a great method for drawing the head from various angles. Draw the head from the front, side / profile, 3/4 view. Learn how to add an up or down tilt to the head, left and right turn, and a twist.
How to Draw the Head from Any Angle.
How to Draw the Head - Front View.
How to Draw the Head - Side View.
How to Draw the Head from Extreme Angles.
Quickly Draw Heads with the Loomis Method - Part 1.
Draw ANY Head Type with the Loomis Method - Part 2.
Intuitive Portrait Sketching with the Loomis Method - Part 3.
Painting the Head from Imagination - Lighting without Reference with Marco Bucci.
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4.8 rating, based on 21 Class Central reviews
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The video taught me a lot face structures and positions. And ho to draw any head facing any direction.
It's a very good experience for drawing improvement . I learnt about it here how ca we draw head in different way.
This video has taught me how to draw the head in different angles and more about highlights in a drawing.
This course is very nice and very easy to learn the simple way the tutor proko explains very effectively I learn very much thank you and my spl thanks to class Central team
First videos are really amazing. I learnt a lot through these video tutorials. I'm doing drawing every day and I had some problems during making a face so I found this and it really helped me a lot. Thank you.
its amazing course. I learn a lot from this course . Is very helpful for me .I want more courses like that .
Excellent course for all levels of experience because even for those who know the Andrew Loomis method it is convenient as a reminder of principles that should never be forgotten. Thanks!
Awesome class, I practically have learned a lot from this. From my practice, I have seen some great improvement. So, what about the body anatomy, do have videos on body design sketches?
I want to thank you for the tips. Im a professional artist. Im drawing for 10 years now . I just needed a little bit of review. It was useful to me. I'll check out other courses too.
Thanks for sharing them for free. -
Love the course. There are so many information about drawing a human face. And the teacher is very humble and cheerful. And after this course I can draw a human face perfectly. So, I'm giving it 5 stars
Loved this thankyou for your free course , proko always give great tutorial, i already watch this video in proko in YouTube, thankyou so much
Very good explanation. I saw all the lesson and learnt so much from this classes. Thank you for sharing amazing content
Great intro to the Loomis method of head construction. Videos had excellent graphics to illustrate points being made, and the artistic demos were on point and provided great examples. I am much better at drawing the head and placing features than I was before the course.
I loved it so much , i need it for my improving of art , iam Egyptian cartonsest , keep it up and hopefully that i can get more and more through your simple clear way , thanks alottttttttttttt for all your efforts .
This art course was really very helpful, it was a short course which I was finding from so long. It says that the course also provides free certificates but I didn't recieve my certificate..
Excellent course for all levels of experience because even for those who know the Andrew Loomis method it is convenient as a reminder of principles that should never be forgotten. Thanks!
I have learnt something about the eye brows and the ear, the chin and the rule of thirds. Though the rule of thirds cannot apply to all heads because not all are the same.
Short and straight to the point yet very insightful. I learned so much with videos that aren't up to an hour long. Its an eye-opener and I recommend for beginners
Impressive I learnt a lot of great things and the drawings were too perfect and fantastic
I can’t wait to learn more
What a great tutor too