A Golden Age in Physics - Heavy Ion Physics at High Energies
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube
Date: 10 April 2019, 17:00 to
In all fields, there are Golden Ages
Colliding black holes =ripples in space-time = gravity waves
Astronomy with gravity waves
Finding the "Higgs" boson
Four states of matter
Cartoon of heavy ion collision at high energy, creating a Quark-Gluon Plasma
Brief intro to "gauge" theories
Electric charge
What is light?
Modern view of light
Computing in QED
QED: magnetic moment
Modern theory of nuclei
Quantum ChromoDynamics
How couplings run, QED & QCD
Asymptotic freedom in QCD
How to compute in QCD?
Lattice QCD?
Confinement in QCD
Flux lines in QED
Need big computers
Digression: Fermi & nuclear fission
Nuclear Fission
Units in QCD: small, quick, hot
Pack the entire Earth inside a stadium
Phase transition to a QGP
Lattice: thermodynamics of QGP
History of the Universe
Finding the Quark-Gluon Plasma in heavy ion collisions
Hunting for the "Unicorn" in Heavy Ion Collisions
Why heavy ions?
Why heavy ions @ high energy?
Plateau in particle production, with many particles
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider @ BNL
Large Hadron Collider @ CERN, Geneva: E/A ~ 3000 Gev
RHIC experiments: STAR & PHENIX
LHC experiments: ALICE, CMS, ATLAS
Why skepticism about AA?
Is it thermal?
Elliptic flow "the more perfect liquid on earth"
With many particles: fixing geometry
Elliptic flow & hydrodynamics
Angular Particle Distribution
Viscosity at RHIC AND LHC
n/s in heavy ions & molecules
Lower bound on n/s
Open questions about using hydro
Jet quenching: the QGP "eats" jets
Jets in QCD
QGP "eats" jets
QGP "eats" jets @ LHC
QGP "eats" jets @ RHIC
Open questions about jet quenching
Phase diagram of QCD: moving back down in energy
QCD at nonzero quark density
The next Golden Age: low energy
Gertrude Stein about Oakland, California, ~ 1890:
Heavy ion collisions at low energy:
What I didn't have time to cover
"The Great Wave" of High Energy Heavy Ion Physics
Taught by
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences