Learn to craft a comprehensive business plan through this Chinese language course covering three essential modules: writing fundamentals, competition presentations, and investment pitches. Master identifying customer pain points, niche markets, product highlights, customer acquisition strategies, business models, and team building. Explore presentation frameworks, evaluation criteria, and common pitfalls in business plan competitions. Gain insights into fundraising channels, understand investor perspectives, and discover key principles for successful entrepreneurial ventures. Practice with writing templates while learning to avoid typical mistakes in both written plans and oral presentations.
- 第一部分 商业计划书写作
- 谁来写 给谁写
- 课程的三大模块
- BP核心之客户痛点
- BP核心之缝隙市场
- BP核心之产品爆点
- BP核心之客户获取
- BP核心之商业模式
- BP核心之创业团队
- 写作模板及重点
- 第二部分 商业计划书赛事陈述与评价
- 导言与内容大纲
- BP的陈述场景与框架
- BP的评价标准
- BP写作的十个常见问题
- BP陈述的十个常见问题
- 第三部分 商业计划书融资陈述与评价
- 导言
- 融资的重要性
- 创业融资的途径
- 投资人如何评价商业计划书
- 基本常识:立场有差别
- 基本常识:几个不等式
- 对创业者的建议
Taught by
Wei Zhang, Xu Zhong, and