Most of us have went our entire lives without the realisation that social skills are... a skill.
Social skills can be levelled up with effort and intention.
This is perhaps one of the best investments you could make in life.
The ability to manage people, to have beautiful relationships filled with empathy, to have fulfilling conversations with our fellow human beings, is priceless.
This is what a 'successful life' is. Please consider investing in yourself by learning these 30 principles for social success.
In this Skillshare class we'll be learning the 30 principles from Dale Carnegie's book How to Win Friends and Influence People that will skyrocket your social skills, making you a better conversationalist, more empathetic listener and turn you into a leader who can influence positive behaviour changes into your followers.
Watch this class right now and you'll:
- Get out of a mental rut
- Make friends quickly and easily
- Increase your popularity
- Win people to your way of thinking
- Increase your influence
- Handle complaints, avoid arguments and keep all engagements pleasant
- Become a better speaker and more entertaining conversationalist
- Arouse enthusiasm among your associates
I can safely say that How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie has significantly improved my life in such a short amount of time. I wish I had this book years ago and that is my reasoning behind making this class. I want others to learn these principles so that you are equipped with the best knowledge of making friends and becoming a leader.
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