Learn key techniques and practices for being an effective salesperson. Discover how to build rapport, understand a client's needs, prescribe a solution, and close a sale.
- Welcome
- Staying on the sales tightrope
- Prescribing, not selling
- Introduction: Building a sales relationship
- Do you need to be liked?
- First impressions and body language
- Make me feel important
- Being a great listener
- The sales-questioning funnel
- Four types of people
- Delight factor
- Introduction: Diagnosing the sale
- Finding out their needs
- Building their needs
- Get them to say it
- Introduction: Prescribing a solution
- The difference between features and benefits
- Introduction: Handling objections
- Can objections be a good thing for sales?
- Feel, felt, found
- Preparation is the key to sales
- Overcoming the "It's too expensive" objection
- Introduction: Closing sales
- The principle of closing
- The words to use when closing
- Keeping the ball in your court
- Introduction: Efficiency and measurement in sales
- Seven essential principles of sales efficiency
- The science of sales measurement
- Thank you
Taught by
Chris Croft