Dive into game development by creating a Breakout game using Lua and LÖVE2D in this comprehensive video tutorial from Harvard University's CS50's Intro to Game Development course. Learn the foundations of game development, including project organization, sprite sheets and quads, collision detection, particle systems, and high score implementation. Follow along as the instructor guides you through various updates, from basic brick and paddle mechanics to advanced features like pretty colors, tiered gameplay, and paddle selection. Gain hands-on experience in game state management, level design, and user interface creation while building a fully functional Breakout clone. By the end of this 1-2 hour session, you'll have a solid understanding of game development principles and practical skills in Lua programming.
) Introduction.
) Breakout Demo.
) Lecture Goal.
) Breakout State Flow.
) The Day-0 Update.
) Project Organization.
) The Quad Update.
) Sprite Sheets and Quads.
) The Brick Update.
) The Bounce Update.
) LevelMaker.
) The Collision Update.
) Paddle Collision.
) Brick Collision.
) The Hearts Update.
) The Pretty Colors Update.
) The Tier Update.
) The Particle Update.
) The Progression Update.
) The High Scores Update.
) The Entry Update.
) The Paddle Select Update.
) Next Time.
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