Vim is a decades old text editor that is still wildly popular among programmers and people who like working in terminal emulators. In Vim, keys don't always do the same things. It depends in which mode you're in. You constantly switch between modes: there is a mode for navigation, a mode for insertion, a mode for selecting regions of text, a mode for entering commands, and so on. This sounds complicated, but you quickly get used to it.
- Hello World
- Leap
- Hamming
- Raindrops
- Scrabble Score
- Word Count
- Bob
- Etl
- Beer Song
- Nucleotide Count
- Rna Transcription
- Difference Of Squares
- Pangram
- Roman Numerals
- Atbash Cipher
- Largest Series Product
- Phone Number
- Triangle
- Allergies
- Anagram