"Racket (formerly named PLT Scheme) is a general purpose, multi-paradigm programming language in the Lisp/Scheme family. One of its design goals is to serve as a platform for language creation, design, and implementation. The language is used in a variety of contexts such as scripting, general-purpose programming, computer science education, and research." - Wikipedia
- Hello World
- Grains
- Two Fer
- Leap
- Difference Of Squares
- Perfect Numbers
- Gigasecond
- Bob
- Collatz Conjecture
- Hamming
- Scrabble Score
- Isogram
- Robot Name
- Armstrong Numbers
- Affine Cipher
- Acronym
- All Your Base
- Allergies
- Anagram
- Etl
- Grep
- List Ops
- Meetup
- Nucleotide Count
- Phone Number
- Raindrops
- Reverse String
- Rna Transcription
- Roman Numerals
- Say
- Word Count
- Atbash Cipher
- Variable Length Quantity
- Matching Brackets