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Learn Unit Testing, earn certificates with free online courses from Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins, UC San Diego and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
Demuestra tus habilidades en desarrollo front-end con React resolviendo un problema real. Crea una app completa y obtén un portafolio listo para el trabajo, ideal para impresionar a reclutadores y empleadores.
Master the skills needed to become a senior iOS engineer like MVVM, Reactive & Protocol Orientated Programming
Learn to build a robust backend REST API with Node.js, integrate it with a React frontend, and master essential web development skills including security, testing, and documentation.
Learn how to test your React application with React Test Library and Jest
Learn to test a real-world serverless React app with routes, authentication, database and more!
Learn JUnit 5 (JUpiter) + libraries for unit and integration testing from scratch together with test-driven development
Testing react applications with Jest and React Testing Library
Learn and practice C++ with SOLID object-oriented design principles
Master Java from Basics to Advanced Topics: Java Basics | OOP | Multithreading | JDBC | Swing | JSP | Servlets
In this course, you will learn a lot of built-in functionalities that are ignored and exploit all their advantages.
Master the Kafka Streams API to build advanced real time Kafka Streaming applications using Java and SpringBoot 3.x.
This course is all you need to become a master python tester.
Learn Vue 3 by applying test driven development (using vitest, testing-library/vue)
Learn to create iOS apps using Swift 5, covering interface design, user interaction, auto layout, and unit testing. Build functional applications and prepare for advanced iOS development.
Harness the power of SwiftUI framework and start building amazing apps!
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