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600 Free Google Certifications
Communication Skills
Data Analysis
Introductory Human Physiology
Precalculus: the Mathematics of Numbers, Functions and Equations
Inglés básico: conversacional y networking
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Learn Student Engagement, earn certificates with free online courses from Stanford, MIT, Microsoft, Johns Hopkins and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
Explore ICT integration in education, covering tools, communication, safety, pedagogy, assessment, management, and content development for diverse learners and media platforms.
गणित शिक्षण के मूल सिद्धांत, बच्चों की गणितीय सोच विकसित करने के तरीके, और विभिन्न गणितीय अवधारणाओं को समझने और सिखाने की प्रक्रियाओं पर केंद्रित।
Discover the keys to successfully teach online. Learn how to use learning management systems, design an online class, track progress, and meaningfully engage students.
Learn how to use technology to enhance course design, lesson planning, presentations, in-class activities, assessments, and student achievement and engagement.
Learn how to use a blended learning approach in the classroom. Combine face-to-face instruction with online learning and create dynamic, engaging, and student-focused lessons.
Explore the educational methods you need to successfully engage learners and deliver content when teaching a digital class.
Discover how to quickly transfer your face-to-face class to an online learning environment. Learn how to curate course resources, maximize student engagement, and more.
Explore learner-centric e-learning design for STEM disciplines, focusing on effective pedagogical strategies, engagement techniques, and technology integration to enhance student learning outcomes.
Develop strategies for managing and engaging large classrooms, focusing on organization, student involvement, and maintaining discipline.
Explore using generative AI to create engaging STEAM activities, including lesson handouts, design specs, and competitions focused on aerodynamics and airplane physics.
Discover the advantages of extensive reading and how to effectively embed graded readers into your English curriculum.
Learn how to use digital tools available in Google Workspace to manage your students' work online and deliver engaging resources.
Learn to design engaging MOOCs using effective instructional strategies. Create a course plan, foster community, develop content, add marketing elements, and facilitate smoothly on the OpenLearning platform.
Empower students with entrepreneurial skills, fostering initiative and resourcefulness for future success through practical, action-oriented learning experiences.
Get personalized course recommendations, track subjects and courses with reminders, and more.