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Learn Electrical Engineering, earn certificates with free online courses from Stanford, MIT, University of Michigan, UC Berkeley and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
Complex Mixed Signal Board Design Course (Ethernet PHY, STM32F407, STM32F103, CH340C, DAC/MIC, 24Bit ADC, 36W Drivers)
This electrical engineering bundle consists of substations, high voltage, and generation for electrical engineering
Electrical Design Academy: Engineering Training with Practical Examples and Hand-on Training for EPC Sector & MEP Sector
Electronics circuits including: Direct current (DC), alternating current (AC), digital circuits (DigC), and solid state.
Learn how to identify, troubleshoot and repair electronic components
Explore full chip static timing analysis using OpenTimer, an open-source EDA tool. Apply concepts like PBA and CPPR to analyze complex designs such as USB controllers and DDR interfaces.
Setting up your own electronics lab at home can be a daunting. This course will help you through the maze of options.
Understand the Basic Concept of Electrical and Electronics Components
Comprehensive master-level course on RF and mmWave circuit design, covering wireless systems, amplifiers, mixers, oscillators, and synthesizers. Includes theoretical lectures and optional hands-on design labs.
This course will give you a great appreciation of Air Insulated Substations and how all of the equipments fit together.
Learn how to design a safe, flexible and durable electrical system for any construction site
Learn about various electrical machines such as transformers, DC, synchronous, and induction machines from A to Z
Learn all about the Power Distribution System and how to design it!
Modeling + state space systems + Model Predictive Control + feedback control + Python simulation: UAV quadcopter drone
Learn to use E3series software for Electrical Schematic, Panel, Cabling, and Harness Design | Electrical Engineering
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