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View our Lists Showcase is a learning platform featuring video lessons and tutorials on web development, design, technology, and more from experts around the world.
Migrate a Next.js application to the App Router, learning server components, actions, and new routing features. Enhance your app's architecture and performance.
Build a database-free blog with GitHub integration, real-time previews, and easy content management using Keystatic and Next.js. Deploy to Vercel for a seamless publishing workflow.
Learn foundational concepts of functional programming in JavaScript, including higher-order functions, immutability, currying, and composition, to enhance your coding skills and approach to software development.
Learn to simplify React apps by refactoring class components to function components using hooks. Explore state management, side effects, async operations, and caching while improving code clarity and efficiency.
Master GraphQL query language to efficiently fetch, modify, and monitor data from APIs, enabling powerful and flexible interactions with server-side implementations.
Learn to manage state efficiently using React Context API, build an email client, and explore alternatives to Redux for simpler state management needs.
Learn to build a serverless API using Node.js on AWS Lambda. Create HTTP endpoints, deploy functions, and interact with DynamoDB to develop a scalable and cost-effective backend for a Todo application.
Learn to write cleaner, more readable asynchronous JavaScript using ES2017 async/await. Master HTTP requests, error handling, and iterating over async data sources with for-await-of loops.
Explore JavaScript Promises: creation, chaining, error handling, and advanced techniques. Master asynchronous operations for efficient and robust code.
Learn to effectively test React components using Enzyme and Jest, covering setup, rendering methods, and various testing techniques for props, state, lifecycle methods, and Redux integration.
Boost your Git productivity with practical scenarios for everyday developer tasks, from branch management to commit polishing and history manipulation.
Dive deep into JavaScript's 'this' keyword, exploring its behavior in various contexts, methods to control it, and its usage in modern features like arrow functions and classes.
Automate repetitive development tasks using Bash scripting. Learn file management, text search, HTTP requests, variables, functions, and command chaining to boost productivity.
Explore advanced TypeScript features through practical examples, covering readability improvements, type strictness, type guards, mapped types, self-referencing types, conditional types, and decorators for enhanced development.
Learn to apply Reactive Programming concepts using RxJS, transforming your mindset from imperative to reactive and exploring practical applications in handling events, requests, and DOM rendering.
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