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Learn to create dynamic wave effects on images using React Three Fiber and shaders. Explore shader basics, wave animations, and texture mapping in this hands-on tutorial.
Expert designer reviews and provides constructive feedback on various portfolios and websites, offering valuable insights for improving design, user experience, and presentation.
Learn to create smooth loading transitions using Framer Motion's AnimateSharedLayout in React. Covers project setup, Framer Motion basics, loader animations, and banner animations for engaging web experiences.
Learn to create engaging micro-interactions using Anime.js, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Explore XState for state management, SVG filters for visual effects, and animation techniques inspired by Dribbble designs.
Learn to build an interactive Minecraft chest model using React Three Fiber. Create a 3D scene, import models, and implement chest-opening functionality in this hands-on tutorial.
Learn to build reusable UI components with Stencil.js for cross-framework compatibility. Covers setup, global styles, and component generation for efficient design system development.
Learn to create captivating cursor animations using GSAP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Master techniques for scaling, media changes, blend effects, and loading animations to enhance user experience.
Learn to create stunning page transitions using Framer Motion and React Router. Enhance user experience with smooth animations and dynamic URL changes in this hands-on tutorial.
Learn to create engaging micro-interactions inspired by Dribbble designs using Framer Motion in this hands-on tutorial, enhancing your React and animation skills.
Learn to create smooth page transitions in Next.js using Framer Motion, enhancing user experience with step-by-step guidance on implementing various animation techniques.
Learn to create engaging mobile app UI designs and enhance them with Auto-Animate in Adobe XD. Master essential elements like navigation, search, filters, and image handling in this practical tutorial.
Learn advanced website design and animation techniques using Adobe Xd and Protopie, focusing on creating dynamic effects, triggers, and interactive elements for engaging user experiences.
Aprenda a criar um mini site usando Adobe Xd, com foco em design e animação. Dicas práticas e demonstração passo a passo do processo de criação, desde artboards até botões.
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