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Explore the fascinating world of exotic hadrons, including tetraquarks and pentaquarks. Delve into competing theories on their structure and discover a new perspective on bound states in quantum chromodynamics.
Explore strong-field magnetohydrodynamics, focusing on new formulations for describing plasma evolution in neutron stars and holographic duals. Gain insights into one-form symmetries and novel magnetic field phenomena.
Explore magnetar physics, focusing on stability, Landau quantization, and magneto-thermal evolution. Gain insights into magnetic domain formation and its impact on neutron star properties.
Explore cosmic mysteries through neutrinos, their role in stellar dynamics, element formation, and powerful cosmic events. Discover recent developments and exciting detection prospects in multi-messenger astronomy.
Explore key physics principles and applied challenges overcome to achieve burning plasmas, fusion ignition, and target energy gain greater than unity in inertial fusion research.
Explore photon production in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions, focusing on energy spectra, production mechanisms, and momentum anisotropy in proton-proton and heavy-ion collisions.
Explore thermalization, hadronization, and entanglement in relativistic heavy ion collisions through holographic descriptions and ER=EPR duality. Gain insights into quantum mechanics, chaos, and black hole evaporation.
Explore electromagnetic radiation's role in probing QCD matter, focusing on light vector mesons and their dilepton decays to understand in-medium spectral functions and QCD phase transitions.
Explore lepton-number violation, neutrino mass hierarchy, and dark matter through nuclear physics. Gain insights into Standard Model tests and beyond using advanced computational methods.
Explore quantum chromodynamics, hadron formation, and nuclei in the universe. Discover advances in understanding dense matter in neutron stars and high-temperature phenomena in compact object mergers.
Explore mechanisms behind spatially nontrivial order in quantum many-body systems, focusing on dense quark matter in strong magnetic fields and its connection to chiral anomaly and pendulum mathematics.
Explore precision measurements and rare processes in physics beyond the Standard Model, focusing on beta decay and neutrinoless double beta decay as probes for new interactions and lepton number non-conservation.
Explore complex-variable methods to extend quantum theories, uncovering PT-symmetric theories with remarkable properties verified in recent experiments.
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