When Good Doctors Get Sued With Gita Pensa, MD - Risk Management Monthly
The Center for Medical Education via YouTube
Currently working
Worlds most horrible malpractice case
Awkward pause
Being a happier doctor
How Gita got connected with Rick
How the curriculum has been used
Did Gita have any interaction with Louise Andrew
Louises work in emergency medicine
Gitas hope
We have a problem
Should it be residency
The Science
The Four Buckets
Psychology of Physicians
The System
The Worst Thing
They have no clue
Residents are responsible parties
Introducing the idea in medical school
Bleeding the idea into the curriculum
Start talking about it
Knowledge Acquisition
Culture of Perfectionism
Going through the ringer
Handling mistakes
Peer support
The beginning middle end
Borderline patients
Your job
The average physician
All clinicians are very smart
A doctor is not the way to show up
My fair lady
Game of strategy
The end game
Malpractice insurance
Our system is adversarial
The initial demand in her claim was
If you cant get that reassurance
Not satisfied
Getting what they can get
Taught by
The Center for Medical Education