Explore a thought-provoking TEDx talk that delves into the loss of humanity and proposes solutions to address this critical issue. Discover insights on the fleeting nature of time, the power of curiosity in driving innovation, and the concept of entropy in our lives. Learn about the speaker's perspective on societal expectations and personal growth, drawing from his experience of training over 1 million students. Gain valuable insights on topics such as anxiety, PCOD, depression, and the concept of the third eye, explained through personal anecdotes and tech-related analogies. Benefit from the expertise of Vimal Daga, a renowned Technologist and Technology Motivational Speaker, as he shares his knowledge on advanced technologies like Machine Learning, AI, Deep Learning, IoT, and NLP. Understand how these technologies can be leveraged to optimize ROI for major corporations and gain inspiration from Daga's belief that any technology can be mastered with the right mindset and approach.
We have solved the biggest problem of humanity | Vimal Daga | TEDxGLAU
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