Explore a 20-minute conference talk from USENIX Enigma 2017 featuring Lt. Col. Tim Booher of DIUx and CYBERCOM. Delve into the challenges of securing Department of Defense weapon systems and learn about recent advances in cyber autonomy, including automatic patching and vulnerability discovery. Discover why relying on teams of hackers is not scalable and how DARPA, DIUx, CYBERCOM, the Air Force, and Navy are investing in automated tools developed for the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge. Gain insights into the application of these tools in embedded, real-time, and heterogeneous mission systems. Examine the planned demonstration of advanced technologies, including high-fidelity multi-resolution modeling, high-integrity processing, situational awareness, systems hardening, and data provenance. Cover topics such as Voltron, predictive analytics, air-to-air combat, block cycles, the Zero Minute, advanced virtualization, and technology insertion.
Predictive Analytics
AirtoAir Combat
Block Cycles
Cyber Grand Challenge
The Zero Minute
Advanced Virtualization
Technology insertion
Taught by
USENIX Enigma Conference