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Explore Netflix's journey in implementing authentication and authorization for microservices, discussing technology choices, challenges, and innovative solutions for a robust zero-trust ecosystem.
Explore diverse sandboxing techniques to isolate risky software, balancing performance, security, and developer experience. Learn to choose the right combination for your workloads.
Explore hardware privacy features in smart devices, their design, security, and challenges. Learn about recording indicators, privacy switches, and future implications for augmented reality.
Explore challenges faced by journalists and activists worldwide, and learn about protecting vulnerable populations through public interest technology and frontline privacy and security work.
Debunking InfoSec myths and lies, emphasizing critical thinking and source verification. Explores common misconceptions, their impact, and the importance of skepticism in cybersecurity practices and industry claims.
Explores how cryptography benefits some groups more than others, discussing its impact on finance, cloud computing, and data analytics while examining social implications and power dynamics.
Exploring challenges in scaling disinformation countermeasures, questioning assumptions about trust, and proposing human-centric approaches to combat misinformation effectively.
Explore how the Global Privacy Control enables users to exercise privacy rights at scale, addressing challenges in data protection and legal compliance across multiple jurisdictions.
Insider's analysis of cybersecurity measures during the 2020 US election, examining successes, challenges, and future improvements for safeguarding democratic processes.
Explore how CISOs can effectively engage with boards of directors, build credibility, and leverage this powerful security team to enhance organizational cybersecurity strategies.
Exploring privacy risks in machine learning models, focusing on data leakage and extraction techniques. Discusses challenges in prevention and potential solutions for researchers and practitioners.
Explore global pandemic misinformation trends, their evolution, and impact on health decisions through a large-scale, longitudinal study across multiple countries.
Exploring security vulnerabilities in U.S. political campaigns, offering insights and recommendations to protect democratic processes from cyber threats and data breaches.
Exploring the gap between adversarial ML research and real-world security practices, highlighting challenges and lessons learned from Microsoft's Machine Learning Red Team engagement.
Comprehensive analysis of 0-day exploits from 2020, offering insights on vulnerabilities, exploitation methods, and strategies to enhance cybersecurity and protect users from unknown threats.
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