Embark on a comprehensive Unity crash course designed for absolute beginners, covering C# programming and game development fundamentals. Learn to install Unity Hub, set up the Unity Game Engine, and configure Visual Studio Code with essential extensions for C# development. Explore the Unity editor interface, create a simple UI, and connect buttons to game-changing events. Dive into C# basics, including variables, data types, and MonoBehaviour functions. Develop custom functions for generating random colors and instantiating objects. Follow along with step-by-step instructions on UI creation, scripting, prefabs, and building your first game. Gain practical knowledge to kickstart your journey into the exciting world of game development with Unity.
Install the Unity Hub
Install Visual Studio Code
Install VSCode C# Extensions
Install Unity LTS Engine
Create our first Unity project
Configure External Tools TIP
Unity UI Basics
Our first C# script
Hello World!
Basic Variables
Random Colors for Mr. Cube
Random Rotations
Basic UI Creation
ItemSpawner Script Setup
What are prefabs?
Connecting Spawner to Button
Quick-Tip for Transforms
How to Build the game!
Taught by
Simulation Lab