Explore a 59-minute NANOG tutorial comparing Python, Go, and Rust programming languages for network automation applications. Learn how Python's versatility and extensive libraries excel in simplifying tasks and device integration, while Go's exceptional concurrency and performance benefits large-scale automation operations. Discover Rust's emerging potential in network automation, particularly its safety features and high performance for scenarios demanding robustness and security. Gain insights from experienced product developer Claus Rugani Töpke, founder of Telcomanager, who has collaborated with major service providers like Telstra, NBN Australia, NZ Telecom, AWS, and Embratel, as well as technology giants including Nokia, Amazon, Juniper, and Cisco. Benefit from his diverse expertise spanning network engineering, performance optimization, product development, and software engineering, culminating in practical knowledge of building network automation systems and authoring a book about service providers.
Tutorial: Python, Go and Rust for Network Automation a lovely battle
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