Turtlebot3 Gazebo Tutorial - ROS Tutorials for Beginners
Mecharithm - Robotics and Mechatronics via YouTube
Dive into the sixth lesson of the ROS 101 tutorial series, focusing on the Turtlebot3 Gazebo simulation. Download the Turtlebot3 simulation package, launch Gazebo, and explore its features and files while interacting with a virtual robotics turtle. Learn how to run and manipulate the Turtlebot3 in the Gazebo simulator, gaining hands-on experience with ROS-based robot simulations. This unedited tutorial showcases real-time troubleshooting, providing valuable insights into common challenges and their solutions in robotics programming.
​​ Introduction
​​ Quick recap of the previous lesson
Agenda of the current lesson
​​ Download the turtlebot3 simulation package
​ Run the turtlebot3 in the Gazebo simulator
​​ Play with the turtlebot3 in the Gazebo simulator
​​ Summary of the lesson
Taught by
Mecharithm - Robotics and Mechatronics