Learn the essential skills to start digital drawing in Photoshop with this beginner-friendly tutorial. Discover why a tablet is crucial for digital art, set up your canvas and resolution, explore brushes, color selection, and history tools. Master layers and layer effects, practice blurring and smudging techniques, and learn to paint with selections. Gain proficiency in transforming selections and watch a time-lapse drawing demo that puts all the learned concepts together. Perfect for absolute beginners, this hands-on guide provides real-time instruction from an experienced professional artist, helping you build a strong foundation in digital art creation.
- why you need a tablet
- setting up the canvas + rez
- brushes + history + colors
- layers + layer effects
- blurring + smudging
- painting with selections
-Transform selections
- putting it all together - drawing demo time-lapse
Taught by
Trent Kaniuga