The Study of the Prandtl System and Zero Viscosity Limit in Navier-Stokes Equations
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics via YouTube
Explore a detailed lecture from New York University-Abu Dhabi and Courant Institute professor Nader Masmoudi, presented through the SIAM Activity Group on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations and SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. Delve into recent advancements in the Prandtl System and Zero Viscosity Limit research, examining the evolution of boundary layers near surfaces during inviscid limit in Navier-Stokes equations. Learn about three key areas: the well-posedness of the Prandtl system, boundary layer separation, and the inviscid limit study of Navier-Stokes equations alongside Prandtl system derivation. The presentation, followed by an interactive Q&A session, offers deep insights into this fundamental concept first introduced by Prandtl in 1904, addressing ongoing questions in the field of partial differential equations and mathematical analysis.
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Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics