Explore the complex world of intellectual property rights (IPR) in this thought-provoking TEDx talk by Dr. Kushagra Mishra. Delve into the delicate balance between protecting creators' rights and fostering a culture of collaboration. Examine ethical dilemmas, societal impacts, and unintended consequences of IPR through insightful examples and reflections. Gain a nuanced perspective on navigating the ever-evolving field of intellectual property with justice and compassion. Learn from Dr. Mishra's extensive experience as an Assistant Professor, Academic Coordinator, and registered lawyer specializing in IPR Laws and the RTI Act. Discover how his diverse expertise in Legal Environment of Business, International Business, and Corporate Governance contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
The Bittersweet Symphony of IPR | Dr. Kushagra Mishra | TEDxChrist Delhi NCR
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