The Biology of Health Disparities: Ancestry-Driven Drug Discovery - K. Sean Kimbro
National Human Genome Research Institute via YouTube
- Introduction Julie Segre
- Start of Presentation K. Sean Kimbro
- About North Carolina Central University
- Kimbro Lab
- Migration and Forced Migration
- Unnatural Selection
- American Descendants of Enslaved Africans ADEA
- Protective Innate Immune Variants in Racial/Ethnic Disparities of Breast and Prostate Cancer
- Signatures of Environmental Genetic Adaptation Pinpoint Pathogens as the Main Selective Through Human Evolution
- IRA and TLR3 Sequence Variants May Alter Breast Cancer Risk Among African American Women
- Research Papers
- What would it look like to design drugs from a different perspective?
- 2020 Drug Trials Snapshot Summary Report
- Share of world population by major regions
- Race-based Drugs BIDIL
- Ancestral-Driven Drug Discovery
- Ancestral characterization of 1018 cell lines highlights disparities and reveals gene expression and mutual differences
- Genetic Ancestry Analysis Reveals Misclassification of Commonly Used Cancer Cell Lines
- New Approach: Addressing the Biology of Health Disparities by Targeting Geographical
- Molecular Profiling and Ancestral Proportions Triple Negative Breast Cancer TNBC Cell Lines
- The neuroendocrine mechanisms of chronic stress
- IC50s with Norepinephrine
- Increased circulating cytokine levels in African American women with obesity and elevated HbA1c
- Importance of Targeting IL-4 and IL-13 receptors for cancer therapy
- IL4/IL4R-activated signaling pathways that promote growth phenotypes
- Linear Map of IL4R
- IL4R Variants of Interest
- Acknowledgements
- Q&A Session
- Prevalence of selected innate immunity sequence variants in TNBC cell lines
- AlphaFold outputs for IL4R wt and variants
- Goal
- Things to think about
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National Human Genome Research Institute