What is the reason you do not write docstrings.
What is Sphinx?
The history of Sphinx (short ver.)
Sphinx Before and After
Sphinx extensions (built-in)
library code example
How to install Sphinx
How to start a Sphinx project
Current files structure
setup autodoc extension
Add automodule directive to your doc
How does it work?
Danger code
execution guard on import
"info field lists" for arguments
Code example in a docstring
Syntax highlighted output
setup doctest extension
Result of "make doctest"
Individual pages for each modules
setup autosummary extension
Replace automodule with autosummary
Output of autosummary
setup coverage extension
Why don't you write docstrings?
Options for autodoc
SV sphinxcontrib-httpdomain 3rd party ext
Translation into other languages
Taught by
EuroPython Conference