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Explore generative art using Python, Processing, PyCairo, and webGL. Learn to create aesthetic visuals with algorithms, geometric patterns, and mathematical functions.
Explore Earth observation using large vision models for infrastructure planning and disaster response. Learn to access satellite datasets, fine-tune models, and apply zero-shot classification and image translation techniques.
Explore techniques for integrating C and Python to create powerful, high-performance applications with enhanced functionality and speed.
Explore locality sensitive hashing for faster search and similarity comparisons, with practical Python implementations and real-world applications in image search and collaborative filtering.
Exploring the impact of PyconUK's education track on teachers, highlighting collaboration between educators and developers to enhance computing education.
Learn to create a friendly reminder chatbot using SleekXMPP and Google Hangouts API. Explore event-driven programming, OAuth2 authorization, and scheduled messaging for practical applications like medication reminders.
Explore Python code quality tools, their differences, and automation methods. Learn to enhance code analysis and understand the importance of these practices in software development.
Explore test-driven development for APIs, focusing on validation, design improvement, and practical implementation in Django. Learn key principles and lessons from real-world projects.
Explore Python's import mechanism, from basic PYTHONPATH searches to advanced topics like custom importers and C extension loading. Gain insights into packages, import loops, and lesser-known import capabilities.
Aprenda estruturas de dados em Python com uma abordagem hÃbrida que reduziu a taxa de reprovação de 85% para 12%. Inclui recursão, listas encadeadas, filas, pilhas e algoritmos de ordenação.
Learn strategies for preparing applications to dynamically scale, including infrastructure planning, compatibility considerations, and best practices for vertical scaling in cloud environments.
Discover common BDD implementation pitfalls and best practices for web-based big data management projects using Django, Python frameworks, and Selenium automation testing.
Introducción a la criptografÃa y seguridad en Python, explorando bibliotecas de encriptación, algoritmos de cifrado, esteganografÃa y prácticas de codificación segura para desarrolladores.
Enhancing Matplotlib performance with GR framework for high-speed data visualization, real-time applications, and improved 3D rendering. Explore interoperability with GUI toolkits and OpenGL.
Explore next-gen cloud servers using containers for deployment, focusing on security and cluster management. Compare CoreOS, Atomic Host, Snappy Ubuntu, and VMWare Photon.
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