SQUID I: Key Design Elements
SQUID II: Vision-based Autonomous Stabilization
Planetary Exploration Applications
PARSEC: Payload Anchoring Robotic System for the Exploration of Cliffs Task Motivation and Description
PARSEC: Aerial Manipulator
Deployment Interface and Payload Design
Mission Architecture for Autonomous Deployment
But what about the real world?
Machine Learning & Nonlinear Vehicle Control
Using learned lifted bilinear models for nonlinear MPC
Learning quadrotor dynamics to improve close-to-ground trajectory tracking
Learning quadrotor dynamics to improve close-to- ground trajectory tracking performance
Planning under uncertainty
Risk-Aware Planning: Chance Constraints
The DARPA Subterranean Challenge
STEP: Stochastic Traversability Evaluation and Planning
Risk-Aware Avoidance of Unknown Dynamic Ostacles
Robust Risk-Based Learning of Disturbances
Learning and Introspective Control LINC
Taught by
Stanford Online