Explore the diverse spectrum of skin manifestations in dermatomyositis through this informative 34-minute video lecture presented by Prof. Petra De Haes, Clinical Head of the Dermatology Department at the University Hospital Leuven. Gain valuable insights into the distinct cutaneous signs of this autoimmune disease, including pathognomonic features like Gottron papules, Gottron sign, and heliotrope rash, as well as characteristic, compatible, less common, rare, and non-specific skin findings. Understand the importance of recognizing these skin lesions for accurate diagnosis, especially in cases of amyopathic dermatomyositis. Learn about the impact of skin manifestations on patients' quality of life and the challenges in treating them with conventional dermatomyositis therapies. Discover the specific approach required for managing skin involvement in dermatomyositis, which often differs from the treatment of muscle and systemic manifestations.
Spectrum of skin manifestations in dermatomyositis
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