Explore a 47-minute lecture by Emina Soljanin from Rutgers University on the service rate region of MDS codes and its connection to fractional matchings in quasi-uniform hypergraphs. Delve into the performance metrics of distributed systems using redundant data storage through coding. Discover how the service rate region, represented as a polytope in k-dimensional real space, relates to the fractional matching polytope of a hypergraph defined by the code generator matrix. Examine a large class of MDS codes with associated quasi-uniform hypergraphs and learn about the characterization of their service rate regions. This talk, part of the Application-Driven Coding Theory series at the Simons Institute, offers insights into the intersection of coding theory, distributed systems, and hypergraph theory.
Service Rates Of Mds Codes & Fractional Matchings In Quasi-Uniform Hypergraphs
Taught by
Simons Institute